Thursday, February 26, 2009

Birdy the Mighty Volume 02 Chapter 04

Here's this week's chapter. Enjoy!

Birdy the Mighty Volume 02 Chapter 04

File Factory
Media Fire


Anonymous said...

Thank you like always, your work is appreciated :)

Anonymous said...

Woot.. found your site a bit earlier, and all i can say is i am really glad someone else picked up the torch on this one. if i can help i would like to, but i am afraid that would only consist of raw supplying (for some reason i seem to have up to volume 20 floating on my disk, yet i can't read a lick of Japanese, go figure). anyway, if you are in need, i would be more than happy to supply.
ok, and not to be a nit-picker, cause i am glad for any work that is put behind the title, and i know you weren't the ones who released chapters 1-8. while i was re-numbering/name tweaking for easier sequential archiving of volume 1, i came across something concerning chikan's work i wanted to inform fans about.
first off, as all probably have noticed there is a numbering discrepancy between Chikan Manga's release and 2BIG's. This is caused by a couple of things. 2BIG is numbering from the page numbers in the Raws (with 1 being the cover), while Chikan renumbered the pre-content pages as to align the page numbers with the actual numbers on the pages.
Also though, chikan cut two pages from the beginning of the book (just reprises of the cover art, nothing too big except for us completionists), on top of combining the front and back cover into an unnumbered page.
In chapter 4, at the very end, there are two duplicate pages (where birdy finishes beating down "Geiger"), and an errant page that falls out of sequence due to being named the same number as one of the dupes, but without the extra 0 before it (easy enough fix).
oh.. and lastly chikan completely missed page 22 (25 if following 2BIG's numbering)

well that concludes my dissection of chikan's release for the unaware.

keep up the awesome work regardless of my rambling!*grins sheepishly* and also, would it be possible to get a translated copy of page 22(25) that Chikan missed?

Anonymous said...

Thanks again.

Radical Dreamer said...

Actually we are missing the scans for volume 19 and 20. If you want to pass those on, we'd be grateful.

As for the page miss-numbering deal, Chikan-Manga did release a version 2 of chapter 4 where they fixed that... I just had the old one and didn't notice the problem due to the comic reader I use. So I guess it's my mistake and not theirs.

Lastly, I have put up that missing page. Enjoy.

@Mibre and Seeker320
Thanks for saying thanks each week. I know it makes GoE happy and keeps us going.

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