Thursday, September 17, 2009

Birdy the Mighty Volume 04 Chapter 07

This is our final release of Birdy for the foreseeable future. We might pick it up again, but I doubt it. So I set it free. Let anyone who wishes to translate it translate it. Of course, I have scans of all 20 volumes and will provide them to anyone who wishes to continue the series. Anyway, it's been a blast so thanks for reading.

Birdy the Mighty Volume 04 Chapter 07

File Factory
Media Fire


Anonymous said...

Good luck, guys, thanks for the releases :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the translations.

I can't read japannnesse but if you upload the scans somewhere at least I could see the pretty pictures. :) So I hope you'll upload the other somwhere so they can be available.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great releases! I really appreciate you guys sticking to this as long as you could.

Best of luck with everything. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great scanlations, hope you 2 come back in the future - was a pleasure to read :)

Wish you all the best!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having picked this up when it stalled way back when and carrying it along as far as you were able to. We'd still be waiting for volume 2 to even start without you guys. Best of luck to ya'll.

Black said...

Thanks for the great work!
I hope there will be translators.
PS. And upload please the entire v4 in one package.

Anonymous said...

Thaks a lot for scanlatimg, translating and releasing! :)
Good luck with exams! Hope you'll return to Birdy after those tests.

Seeker320 said...

Thanks for the hard work with Birdy; good luck with your exams.

Medier said...

Mangahelpers has all the raws if you want them.

Anonymous said...

First off, thanks for your work on this series.
If no one picks up this series I would hope that you will consider continuing this series when you once again have the time.
Take care.

Anonymous said...

I am willing to pikc up the series. Could you send me all the raws for the series? you can send them to

Anonymous said...

You can get raws for volumes 1-20 from

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was actually 1-18. Well, enough to keep you going for quite a while at any rate.

Anonymous said...

Full RAWS for Birdy the Mighty (but not evolution) are at

And also

Anonymous said...

It is a great shame that you are no longer doing what you did, but thank you for all the excellent releases ! We would be fortunate if the next group were even half as good !

Anonymous said...

Hey garion08, do you still need the volume raws?

Dingo said...

I'm late to the show as always.

Well great work on the last several chapters. it has been a pleasure to read.

well, hopefully this isn't the last we see of you two, and if it so happens to be anyways, take care and take it easy.

Anonymous said...

a messaeg for every transaltor here:

It's really a great disapointment stopping translante birdy, a lot of popular manga series has like 100 different translations every week (naruto, bleach, fullmetal alchemist) and mangas like Birdy simply has one or two groups doind translations. GUYS! please! i'm asking, if there is anybody, who's translate evey week, popular manga series, stop translate them to transalte birdy, it's a waste of translators! hundreds of them translating the same manga! please do the right thing and translate Birdy.


Anonymous said...

If any one is registered at the Franky House forums, could they put in a request to pick uo this series?

Seeker320 said...

Someone requested it in Franky House already; but I haven't seen an answer to it, not even someone else seconding the request. They don't have many translators and they seem to take mostly projects with a translator for it.
The RAWs are easy to find, so that's not an issue. If they decide to take on the project, editing shouldn't be an issue as well. So if garion08 or any other translator reading this is interested to take this, you can register there and ask them for a joined project; that way you only need to translate and you don't have to worry about everything else.

Anonymous said...

Great work.
Hope you decide to continue the translation of birdy. I really loved the series.
Thanks for your work.

Anonymous said...

So here we are i January and no one else has picked up Birdy. I hope ya'll will consider picking it up again.

The only other potential good news is that the anime has been picked up to be released in the US this year. If it does well, maybe the manga will follow...

Anonymous said...

There's a request thread on the Franky House fourms. So anybody who wants to see this manga continued should sign up and request it. And again: any translator willing to help them should really say something.

makhan said...

So that's why we got spammed with Birdy the Mighty requests :p
I'll see what we can do, but we really could use some translator's help.

makhan said...

Was negotiating with a translator, but he got more important stuff to attend to. So, sorry to disappoint you, but unless you give us a translator, we won't be able to do anything. We can clean, we can typeset, we can QC, but we can't translate.

Anonymous said...

I could attempt to translate it, I would just need the raws. I can't seem to find them anymore though, or maybe just not looking hard enough. But, I would certainly try. I know enough japanese and have enough time on my hands that I bet I could get this rolling.

Anonymous said...

Alright, I found the raws. I'll start on that and let you all know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Nice to know there is still ppl interested in translating. I'll be checking this site pretty much daily for more info.

Anonymous said...

Nice to know there is still ppl interested in translating. I'll be checking this site pretty much daily for more info.

Anonymous said...

Alright, things are rolling. Haven't used japanese for a few years, so the going is slow. But, hope to have vol4 cht 8 sometime next week.
Probly snag a blog for the updates instead of putting them here too.

Anonymous said...

Cool, just put a link to the blog in here too.

bob.kansas said...

Theres my blog, explains the delay and whatnot. Anyway, back to work!

Garion08 said...

I'll try to help out all I can to get this project back on the road. Unfortunately I'm not very good at translating Japanese.

AnimeJanai said...

Ronin Ixioran has taken up the translation project. As of now, he has translated up to volume 05 chapter 47. Search engines should show you various places that have archived his scanlations for online reading.

2Big's last release was Volume 04's chapter 07 which ended at page 132. So, the next thing you should START reading is volume 04's chapter 08 which is chapter 40 in the external chapter numbering. You can find chapters 41 onwards to download or read online via Otakuworks at

The new blog is at:

Go and say thanks to encourage the translator to keep going with this.

Retro Epiphany said...


I am with the Silicon Sorcery Studios manga circle.
We are on the verge of getting published. This is serious business with contracts and deadlines.
Samples of our manga:

We are seeking 5 English to Japanese and Japanese to English translators.
We need some translators who can do voice.
We need some translators who can do text.
We also need some translators who can do voice and text.

If you are interested, please contact us at

If you are not interested could you do us the courtesy of forwarding this opportunity to other translators that you know.

Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

That's interesting post. Very informative. Thanks for sharing...

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